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RNE CRNM Documentos para estrangeiros RNM | RNE, CRNM, CPF e CTPS M.W. Consultoria para Migrações

Residence Permit
National Immigration Registryor National Registry of Foreigners

Find out how to obtain a Residence Permit.

Moving to another country is a complicated process that requires planning.

We understand the pain of being irregular in the country and we work exhaustively to provide an even better service. Our team has consultants and legal advisors specialized in this procedure.

We offer a service for obtaining, renewing or transforming the RNM | RNE.

The first step is to understand your history and then explain what are the possible ways to obtain a residence permit.

Our service is provided in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. MW Consultoria para Migrações offers two types of services: complete solutions and consultancy, learn more here.

Popularly known as the foreigner's document or identity, the CRNM is the National Migration Registry card, mandatory for all migrants with a temporary visa and, above all, for those who wish to live in the country.

The CRNM can be classified as temporary or permanent, depending on the legal support. The legal protection is the “justification” of the foreigner's residence in Brazil. For example: Family reunion (union between foreigners and Brazilians), work, studies, investment, among others.

RNM and RNE are the same document. Before the Migration Law of 2017, the Foreigner's Card was called RNE and after the law it was called RNM. The Migration Law started to call the foreigner a migrant, therefore RNE is the National Foreigner Registry, while the RNM is the National Migration Registry.

Attention: it is important to start renewing the RNM | RNE 90 days before the deadline.

Where and how to renew the RNM | RNE? 

If your RNM/RNE has expired you must renew it within 90 days of the expiration date. 

The renewal is made in the Federal Police that covers the area of the migrant's residence. It is necessary to attend in person at the Federal Police Station on the date of the appointment made via internet. For labor migration procedures (work), the renewal must be requested first on the MigranteWeb platform, and then, after the decision on the platform, in person for the registration. 

For those who have indefinite residence, only the Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório must be renewed, replacing the CRNM. For those whose residence is temporary, it is necessary to renew the residence permit as a whole. 

The documentation required for the renewal process depends on the legal basis on which your CRNM was granted, this information is described on the back of the CRNM.

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Residence permit (RNM/RNE) based on retirement

A new way of staying in Brazil through retirement.

In 2019, aiming to increase investment in the real estate, commercial and tourist market by retired migrants, the Federal Government published a normative resolution that allowed retired migrants or pensioners to come and live in Brazil.

Who can request to stay based on retirement?

Normative Resolution No. 40 allows retired migrants or death pension beneficiaries to reside in Brazil as long as they can prove their ability to transfer a monthly amount to the country.amount equal to or greater than US$2,000.00 (two thousand dollars).

The legislation also allows regular sources of income, such as money invested, property ownership/rental, to supplement the retirement amount to reach the minimum required.

How long is my retirement-based residence permit valid for?

The initial period for residence is 2 years, both for the visa and the residence permit. At the end of this period, the stay can be renewed for the same period of 2 years or changed from temporary to indefinite, which can be for an indefinite period of time, requiring renewal only of the National Migration Registration Card.

RNM  RNE, CRNM, CPF e CTPS M.W. Consultoria para Migrações Aposentadoria
RNM  RNE, CRNM, CPF e CTPS M.W. Consultoria para Migrações Mercosul.jpg

Permanence based on Mercosur Agreement

In 2002, an agreement was signed called the Agreement for the Residence of Nationals of States Parties to the Common Market of the South, Bolivia and Chile, which dealt with one of the most important steps for the bloc: the possibility of citizens of these countries residing in other countries of the block without major bureaucratic obstacles. In 2009, Brazil ratified the Agreement through decree no. 6,975, dated October 7 of this year.

The countries for which this treaty is valid are: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. This means that any national of these countries will be able to obtain legal residence in another country simply by proving their nationality.

What does it mean to obtain permanence based on nationality? 

To obtain a residence permit in Brazil, a purpose is required. The list of possibilities includes purposes such as authorization for study, for work, for family reunion (which includes marriage/stable union, children and some types of kinship), for investment, among others. With the agreement, nationals from these countries will be able to reside in Brazil without the need for proof of a specific purpose, which is a more difficult process, and they can become residents just because of their nationality.

Is this possibility of permanence based on nationality only for Mercosur countries? 

The answer is no. There is an ordinance that allows nationals from border countries to stay onlys with nationality, they are Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana. 

How long is my residence permit based on the Mercosur Agreement valid for?

The permanence granted, initially, is a temporary residence permit for a period of 2 years. Temporary residence may be transformed into permanent residence with an indefinite validity period. This process must be requested by the migrant himself 90 days before the two-year period of temporary authorization ends.

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